5 Natural Remedies For A Mole Free Skin

Having a bad hair day and run out of your favourite rescue remedy? Or just run out of money to buy them? Cosmetics are so expensive nowadays and with all the health warnings about parabens and other chemicals it's hard to know what to put on your skin. So here are a few tried and tested ingredients that you can take from kitchen to bathroom, without torturing yourself or your purse!

A mosquito bite does not always give you a disease, but it can become very uncomfortable and painful if you happen to scratch it a lot. The first thing you have to do when you are bitten by a mosquito is to get out of that place to prevent more bites from other mosquitoes.

Mixing lemon with honey and applying on the skin acts as natural bleach. Even, rubbing the inner-side of the lemon to elbows and knees, can help fade dark marks.

The apple cinder vinegar is by far the best natural treatment. It can be applied on the affected part of the skin with a dab of cotton or simply soaking the warts into the substance. The reason why it is so effective is because of its acidic properties.

Add a teaspoon of powdered milk, a tablespoon of clear honey, a teaspoon of aloe vera gel and blend well in a small bowl. Add to face and allow to sit for 15 minutes. Milk is so wonderfully moisturising and the aloe will soothe any inflammation.

Natural remedies for warts are painless although you may About Aloevera Ghee sometimes feel some throbbing sensation in case you decide to use garlic or apple cider vinegar.

Skin care home remedies also involve moisturizing. The best natural source of moisturizing is banana, which you can buy almost anywhere at a low cost. Take a banana, mash it into a bowl and add a little bit of milk. Mix it into a paste and apply it on your face, leaving it on for 10-15 minutes. If you wish, you can also make enough banana and milk paste to apply all over your body. But a milk bath will do just fine for a whole body moisturizing regimen. Fill up a bath tub with lukewarm water and add 3 cups of powdered milk. Mix it up and let it soak all over your body for 20 minutes.

If for some reason you cannot concoct your own remedy, natural product stores have a number of mole remedies ready made. Usually creams, they can provide you with great results in as little as three days. Before purchasing you should make sure that click here they are 100% natural, because we all know that sometimes advertising withholds information.

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